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Temple Hollows

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Temple Hollows

Temple hollowing is the loss of volume from the temples, the area at the sides of the lower forehead, between the corners of your eyes, up and out to the hairline. 

With age, or sometimes due to the natural structure of your face, there is a sunken and hollowing of the temples that make the bones around the region appear more prominent, all of which can result in dropping of the side of the eyebrows and a gaunt appearance.

Generally, the areas around the eyes and upper face, like the temples are often ignored, some think that as their hair covers this area, it doesn’t matter.

However, by treating this lost volume, this can make a dramatic, yet subtle difference when its addressed.

By replacing the lost volume in this area using dermal fillers, it can help to give a subtle lift to the mid and lower face and improve the position of the eyebrow.