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Nasolabial Lines

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Nasolabial Lines

Nose-to-mouth or ‘nasolabial’ lines are the lines located on either side of the mouth, running from the corner of the nose down to the lip corners, that tend to become more prominent with age as the skin becomes thinner and saggy which can add many years to your appearance. 

This area often has more of a fold than a line and can take on a ‘bracket’ shaped appearance.

As we age we lose volume in the cheek area as we lose fat, our muscle density reduces and we reabsorb bone. The production of collagen, elastin and our own hyaluronic acid reduces and the skin can no longer support the underlying structures.

Add in the ageing process, sun damage, and smoking all contribute to the deepening nasolabial folds. The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays break down the collagen and elastin fibers in your skin that keep it smooth and supported. Smoking also breaks down these fibers. As you age, cumulative skin damage can make your nasolabial folds more prominent.

Weight loss can also contribute to looser skin, especially in the face and neck.

Initially you may need volume replacement elsewhere on the face to help “lift” the folded area. However, clear lines can be filled directly with fantastic results being achieved.