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Marionette Lines

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Marionette Lines

Marionette lines are best described as those going from the outside corner of the mouth downwards to the jawline, and are a good candidate for dermal fillers. Their appearance can be made more prominent with deepening over time and the development of jowls on the jawline.

The natural loss of skin integrity and facial volume in the mid face with age, leads to a deepening of the folds. The folds form shadows around the mouth and can make the face appear more sad, tired and older.

These can be lifted and plumped up to lift the line or fold out, however this does not always address the underlying cause of them.

Over time the loss of volume and support in the mid and lower face leads to marionette folds. Therefore, the best approach is to correct the mid-face loss whilst re-establishing support in the chin and surrounding area, and then treating the marionette lines.

If volume loss in the mid face is not addressed and the marionette lines keep being re-treated, this could lead to a heaviness and widening of the lower face whilst the mid face is sunken and hollow.